We will always match your wedding colors
Last week when our beautiful bride wanted reds with accents of gold for her CHAMPAGNE DOLL we offered her a mix of retro glam with a...
Champagne Dolls tonight!
Talk about bringing the bubbly!! our beautiful Marilyn Monroe lookalike will be performing in our human strolling table tonight bringing...
Champagne Dolls 007 Style
We had so much fun at the Irvine Hilton Dolling up with our Life Size Champagne Glass, Frank SInatra Impersonator and Crew over the...
Dolling up NGLCC in Palm Springs
We had such a wonderful time last night in Palm Springs glamming up and dolling up for the #NGLCC #strollingchampagneskirt...
Backstage Showgirl Dolls
‪Sneak peek at our beautiful 1920's showgirls backstage at the lovely Casa Del Mar in Santa Monica for a vintage wedding. What do Bella's...