Happy Girls are the prettiest Girls!!
When I was a little girl, my Daddy would always take note of what I would tell him with "honey you can think about that in a different way". I had no idea what he was talking about but he was always so concerned for me to look at my life experiences through the eyes of positive thinking. How lucky I was to have him show me by example when I was barely 9 or 10 years old how to shift my perception of any crappy life situation (or what I perceived to be). Dad would say "you can choose to feel like something bad is happening to you, or you can choose to get the lesson". Wow how grateful I am today to have such a wise and insightful Daddy-O to guide what would be my life understandings for the rest of my life!
Happiness doesn't happen by chance. Either consciously or unconsciously, happy people choose to be happy. By their perception of life circumstances and either feeling like the victim or (as dad said) "see the lessons in it".
So before your life speeds by too quickly, get up, get out, be like a child and play, challenge your fears, laugh out loud, run barefoot in the grass, forgive, let go, shift from victim thinking to gratitude, try something new, be yourself (everyone else is taken), be brave enough to show who you really are inside out, love often, kiss often, and simply try to make the choice of happiness in life.
And as my dear daddy would tell me " remember even the prettiest of pin up girls are the most beautiful when they are happy human beings"

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.” —Abraham Lincoln