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Bella's Dolls + Kat Von D

When being a creative person working in a bustling business savvy world, it is most important to have a clear idea on what is important, what your brand stands for and to stay authentic to the brand you have built. Sometimes it is easy to feel motivated to book a job (or sell a product) by how large the outcome will be. Perhaps the client has a big budget but not exactly "in line" with who we are as a brand. Some times client will dangle the "great exposure" carrot or "there will be lots of celebrity presence" as a result of our work together.

Maybe the client wants us to sell something that is completely against who we morally -

In the age of social media rankings, popularity on a IMBD page, or how many "likes" a post has received- it can seem all too easy to slip away into the darkness of soulless branding.

If you are running your own business or working for another, chances are this has happened to you.

How can one stay upbeat about going to work, or working hard for themselves and still making an income?


There is nothing better in your work than to connect with other like-minded business partners to bring your brands to life knowing that both your integrity and personal beliefs can unite into one blissful business venture. One brand inspires the other and new possibilities are boundless.

Sure we all want to make money, and it is not always easy to turn down a client who is ready to make a deal but when your intentions get compromised for the sake of the sell- then is that truly a happy success?! Most millionaires will tell you that chasing money was not always the thing that satisfied.

When we are able to shine being authentic as to who we are on the inside- then everything on the outside will shine even brighter-

Be you- there is only one of you and this ride of life goes quickly-

Your business and your brand are a facet of who you are, what you believe and what you want to add to this world- so when you are thinking about how to sell your product- think about how you can do that with others of like minds-you will be amazed how things will unfold with grace and ease.

When we get calls from amazing clients like KAT VON D to represent her new line of all vegan cosmetics with lots of pin up brassiness yet highlighting our brand of pin up classiness- then it is a WIN-WIN! #branding #tributeproductions #mrsbellasdolls #katvond #vegan #likeminds #authenticself #sinnersandsaints #noanimaltesting #crueltyfree #models #brandambassadors #pinupgirls #dancers

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hollywood candy girls, candy girl, vintage showgirls, mrs bellas dolls, tribute productions, bands, actors, models, strolling champagne skirt, lookalikes, corporate entertainment, casting, flappers, great gatsby, dance shows, book dancers, can can dancers

Mrs. Bella’s Dolls™ All material contained on this website are protected by United States copyright law. We ask all visitors to our web site respect the intellectual property on this site including, but not limited to, photographs,  text, concept and web site deign. Mrs. Bella's Dolls concept and design is a valuable intellectual property and is proprietary to  Denise Bella Vlasis. ​The copying of, or use of any images , writings or materials included herein, in whole or part, for any purpose, including, but not limited to, saving, reproduction, copying, storage, manipulation, digital or otherwise, is expressly prohibited without the written permission of Denise Bella Vlasis.  Any further copying of material may result in prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. All rights reserved 1999- 2018.


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